Centre for Electronics and Communication for Civil Aviation (ERTOS Centre) |
The ERTOS Centre activity is licensed by Russian Ministry of Communications
ERTOS Centre is State Enterprise of Russian Federal Aviation Service.
It's main goals are technical exploitation of radar, navigation and approach control systems in South Russian airports.
Use of novel technologies makes possible to create the network, connecting
Civil Aviation enterprises in Sochi, Stavropol, Anapa, Krasnodar, Nalchick,
Volgograd, Mahachkala, Astrakhan, Rostov-on-Don, Vladicavcas. The network
is connected to the networks in other Russian regions.
High quality continuous electronic communication, ensured by use of novel technology is the main field of Centre specialisation. |
ERTOS Centre for a long time used INTERNET services for it's own purposes only. Since 1996, July Centre starts wide offering INTERNET service. Now ERTOS Centre proposes the access to INTERNET to any person or institution. There exist wide possibilities to do it. | New technological equipment by Olivetti,MotorolaandTandemcomputer were arranged in ERTOS Centre under the project of Olivetti group.This equipment guaranties reliable on-line communication. If number of uses widely increases Centre is ready to use satellite channel up to 512 kb/s. |
The other kind of communication proposed by ERTOS Centre is paging service, involved to the united paging service of Russia trough JS Company "Crypt". ERTOS Centre has the own paging service terminal, that allows access through municipal and aeronautical telephone network. |
Computer telegraph network AFTN is perspective technology of ERTOS Centre. This technology allows to send and receive telegrams using personal computer and substantially simplify the telegraph network use. Thanks to modern equipment ERTOS Centre has the possibility to process many messages in the hortest time with vanishing probability of error. The computer telegraph network meets all stern requirements of international CIDIN network. The CIDINrequirements are much more severe than that of Russian common access network ones.
ERTOS Centre has a long experience in attending air carriers. Thanks to this experience period the whole services to air carriers becomes qualitative, Centre has close relations to meteo service, customs, tourist agencies and hotels.