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The address reference book
First of all we will explain how to construct AFTN address:
Address is 8-letters sequence, first 4 letters defines city or airport the telegram is to be sent to.
The next 4 ones define the organization and person the telegram is addressed to.
If you found only 6 letters of address the last two ones should be "xx".
Codes of persons and organizations :
- Two-byte codes used in Russian Federation as 5-6 letters of AFTN address.
- Three-byte codes assigned by ICAO and used as 6-8 letters of AFTN address.
- Two-byte codes used in Russian Federation as 7-8 letters of AFTN address.
- Three-byte codes assigned by ICAO and used as 5-7 letters of AFTN address.
- Decoding the 5-8 letters of AFTN address.
- The Civil aviation State authority institutions in Russian Federation.
The list updated 19.11.95.
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