Dear sirs!

Pls be kindly informed that "AERO-K" company being a structural marketing and managment department of Russia aircompany "AIRTRANSSERVICE" (ICAO code "AAS") accoplishes at present regular flights within Russia and different charter international regular programmes.

We've 3 aircrafts TU-134 and enlist TU-154, AN-12, IL-76. Having a reputation of a young development aircompany providing solution level of flights security, competitiveness, boarder of directions of aircompany's determined prospective further development on the base of aircrafts "Boeing 737-200" of different configurations.

Financing of the programme is provided with our own means and credits.

In this connection would you be so kind to consider the opportunity of getting opperating living of the aircrafts "Boeing 737-200" sertificated in Russia.

Kind regards,
general director
Our fax (863-2) 54-21-22, 64-45-66
tel (863-2) 58-92-38, 54-21-22

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