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Rostov's Air traffic Controllers Trade Union

Beginning with the Trade Union's page in this magazine, I would like to tell my readers the acute problems, which influence on controllers' life and work, their families, relatives and dear ones.
Rostov City Public Organization "Air Controllers Trade Union" (RTUAC) is an independent public organization of citizens of RF, who join together on voluntary and equal basis, on production and professional interests in common.
This organization is founded with the aims of representation and protection of human social labor rights and interests. The main aim of RTUAC is the protection of the rights of its members and presentation of their interests with the relations of state, economic organizations, employers and organs of local self-government.
The work of each Trade Union organization deals with the obtaining of the fulfillment of all points of collective agreement, according to the decisions of central plenums, which are approved by the majority of votes and signed by the sectional tariff agreements.
Taking a chance, I would like to describe you the most important moment, to my mind, which has taken place during the signing of the collective agreement between RTUAC and administration of ACC "Strela".
Today the most important problem at ACC is the housing needs. In the period of existence of our center some dwelling houses were built beyond Rostov-on-Don's limits, and only one house was built within the city in 1997. (Its building and construction work had been in progress more than 10 years). And so regrettable fact is that only 9 families of controllers got flats.
Unfortunately there are many reasons as usual. Today the turn is more than 250 persons. Indeed, to the opinion of executive committee of RTUAC there's a way out of every difficulty. Having analyzed it hardly with the administration of ACC we decided to subsidize the acquisition of housing. So such things as long-term construction, misappropriation of building materials, obligation of living in the definite region will be impossible.
In this connection there is a point in the housing policies of the collective agreement between RTUAC and administration of ACC "Strela": " An conformity with active housing law of RF the priority direction in housing problem's decision is to subsidize the finished housing purchase".
The order of subsidizing is set by the "Subsidizing regulations".
After some committees sessions on signing of the collective agreement RTUAC could prove that the concrete sum of money, which is subsidized, must be set in it. In this case the sum of money is 300 thousand rubles. The circumstance that recently Chief of ACC "Strela" Svetlov S.N. worked as a controller, had much significance. He understands this problem well and has inserted himself this sum in PartVI "Housing policies". In its turn this fact ensures success.
Naturally a reader will ask "Why is housing problem spoken much about?" Because today this is the first case in a whole branch, when the concrete sum of money is set in the agreement between the whole body and administration.
RTUAC "Strela" thanks Svetlov S.N., Chiev of ACC "Strela", for the understanding the problems of RCC's body and democratic approach to the decision of many problems.

Chairman of RTUAC V.T.Rylkov

©1996-2001, Edward Kolodnyi