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Journal «Sector» in Acrobat Reader's format
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Dear friends!
There is the first issue of the magazine "Sector" in your hands. This magazine is for air controllers, about their today's needs, problems, perspectives.Indeed, we shouldn't resign to the fact that we have no our edition, where one could recognize something new, change opinions, argue, dream, ask questions to the interesting people and not so interesting ones.
Honestly, one is bothered to associate with each other by means of safety orders and analyses.
Don't judge severely our first issue. It is so difficult to do it in a lonely way, though this work is usually fulfilled by the whole staff of editors. But I believe that our magazine will be issue to issue. Perhaps it will have another name, another people will publish it in another city. The main question is that it WAS and was OUR magazine!
I am sure that it depends on us. I'll be glad to your letters, revues and criticism.

Edward Kolodnyi

©1996-2001, Edward Kolodnyi